Town Hall/Opera House
Fees & Charges
as of September 5, 2024
*taxes not included*
Rental Space | Hourly Rate (8 hours or less) | Daily Rate (over 8 hours) |
Upper Level | $40.00 | $305.00 |
Lower Level | $40.00 | $305.00 |
Kitchen Only | $20.00 | $150.00 |
Full Hall (no Kitchen) | $70.00 | $535.00 |
Full Hall (with Kitchen) | $80.00 | $610.00 |
Funeral Home | $50.00 | N/A |
Other Fees & Charges
as of September 5, 2024
*taxes not included*
Staff Set Up | $60.00/hour |
Staff Tear Down/Additional Clean Up | $60.00/hour |
Additional Usage (blocked time before or after the actual event) | Hourly Rate – charged based on the rental space booked |
Call Out Fee | $100.00 |
Are you looking to book the Town Hall/Opera House for your venue?
Contact the Town Office to book your event.
Call (306) 698-2477 or email:
View our Rental Application and Rental Terms & Conditions.
The Town Hall/Opera House sustained damages from strong wind gusts, causing a section of the cedar shakes approximately twenty feet along the ridge cap, and an area on the north-east section of the roof to come loose and blow off. Maintenance was also required on the south tower (also known as, the bell tower) as the metal required securement and sealant, and the flat roof surfacing was cracked and possibly leaking. The pulley system for hanging the Canadian flag also required attention.
The work undertaken included a specialized roofing contractor familiar with cedar shakes to perform an assessment/inspection of the damages, as well as patch and repair the damaged areas with original cedar shake materials, and repair/maintain the bell tower and flag pole. It was extremely important for the Town to proceed with repairs, as leaking was starting to occur within the building.
As this building is Provincially and Municipally designated, it was understood that work done must comply with the Standards and Guidelines of Heritage Conservation. A Heritage Alteration Permit was applied for and approved by the Heritage Conservation Branch for this project.
In closing, the Town of Wolseley successfully fulfilled a Grant Application with the Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation (SHF) for the Town Hall/Opera House Roof Rehabilitation Project, and received $25,000 for these efforts. The Town of Wolseley is very appreciative of SHF’s contribution towards the project!
Another maintenance project on the exterior of Wolseley’s Town Hall/Opera House has recently been completed. This project, successfully administered and managed by the Wolseley Heritage Foundation (WHF), and in partnership with the Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation (SHF) and the Town of Wolseley, involved the repair of the large mortar crack on the buttress wall, the re-working of the water drainage area that contributed to the formation of the crack, the replacement of several broken bricks, the placement of caulking between the ceremonial door and the brickwork, and the repair of numerous other smaller cracks in the mortar on all sides of the building (especially those cracks between the window sills and the brickwork).
Also, please note that the mortar used for the re-pointing work is not coloured as the recommendations from experts instructed that coloured mortar deteriorates and fails quickly. The lime mortar that was used for this project is expected to: 1) last for a very long time and; 2) fade from the current stark white to a shade closer to the old mortar in due course.
In closing, the Town of Wolseley wishes to thank the Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation and the Wolseley Heritage Foundation for their contributions.
During Summer 2015, the Town of Wolseley in partnership with the Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation (SHF) have come together to fund a rehabilitation of the Town Hall/Opera House. The rehabilitation consisted of the following:
– Engineered Structural Assessment of a large crack that formed at the buttress of the North-west corner of the Building. The Enginered Assessment Report indicated the crack is not involved with the structural support of the building, but should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent futher moisture damage;
– Construction/Maintenance Items: repair and repainting of all trim on the hose and bell towers, repair and repainting of all flashings and trim elsewhere on the building, repainting of all exterior painted surfaces, replacement of three (3) broken window panes.
In closing, the Town of Wolseley successfully fulfilled the Grant Application with the SHF for the Town Hall/Opera House Rehabilitation Project, and received $15,382 for our efforts. The Town of Wolseley is very appreciative of SHF’s contribution towards the project, and thankful for the Wolseley Heritage Foundation for administering the project!