Wolseley Town Hall Opera House

The Wolseley Town Hall/Opera House is one of Saskatchewan’s last remaining turn of the century designed, small town, multi-purpose public buildings. The original Town Hall plans provided room for council chambers, the Mechanics Institute (the library), a fire hall, a jail cell and, above all, an auditorium. It was the auditorium that was usually called the “Opera House”

The building was in continuous use from 1906 until structural problems forced closure to public use in 1989. Some aspects of its use never changed during that time frame; for instance it was always home to the fire brigade and the library. The decision to restore this building in 1989 was to prove to future generations that we are not a single generation people. It is now used for various events such as weddings, fundraisers, dance recitals/competitions, drama/theatre performances, live music performances, etc.

Located at 510 Varennes Street

Town Hall Phone | 306-698-2955

Contact the Town Office for bookings and inquiries at 306-698-2477